Thursday 6 November 2008

Amazon Voucher Arrived!

Got my £10 Amazon voucher though from Dooyoo today. Promptly spent it on a present for my other half - A Gordon Ramsay (she really likes him) cookbook.

Thanks Dooyoo - I get a happy girlfriend with a cookbook full of nice food ideas to try out on me! Result!

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Free Rice!

Now the aim of this blog is to see if it is possible to make money online. Whilst that is essentially a selfish endevour, I've stumbled across a brilliant charity site that will help people across the developing world, and cost you nothing but a few seconds of your time.

The website is called and is essentially a game where you guess the meaning of various words, and for every one you get right 20 grains of rice are donated to help those who are hungry in the developing world. You can also play quizzes in other subjects, like maths and geography as well! Since the site has been up and running they have donated enough rice to feed 2,000,000 people!

Give it a go!

Saturday 1 November 2008

Dooyoo Update!

Just a quick update to let you know I've cashed out another £10 Amazon voucher from Dooyoo! This is a great website, and I really cannot reccommend it highly enough. I've had £20 of amazon vouchers from Dooyoo now for spending a few hours in total writing reviews of products. Give it a go!

I'm also using a website called youcubez at the moment, and I'll be adding a review of it shortly. So far so good.